Photograph of 250 year old Choate House chosen

IG Essex Country Massachusetts asked if they could include the photograph I shot Saturday, September 8, 2018 of the 250 year old Choate House, situated on the 135-acre Choate Island (also known as Hog’s Island) once part of the large early 20th century summer estate of Chicago industrialist Richard T. Crane, Jr. The photograph can now be found on their site: @igessexcountrymass. The movie, The Crucible, was filmed here and on the island, whichis part of The Crane Wildlife Refuge, owned and managed by The Trustees of Reservations. The Trustees Instagram Account manager stated of the photographs I took: “Love all your pics! Thanks for the visit!”You can find this photo and others in my Photograph section or on my instagram account: @sarahtracyburrows
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