September News – Reference for Fighting for Nellie

Sarah Tracy Burrows contacted me a few years ago asking for assistance in writing her historical novel, Fighting for Nellie, based on a captivating real-life story of her ancestors during the Civil War. Sarah’s passion and determination were so strong I could taste them, and as busy as I was, I agreed to help.

I admired her courage in contacting me. She reminded me of myself when trying to finish my first book, the New York Times bestselling Sex with Kings, which is now out in twenty-three languages. I had some absurdly lucky breaks along the way, and wanted to pay it forward.

During the time we worked together, I was impressed by Sarah’s ability to learn quickly and take criticism well. I would send critiques on her chapters, and she would rewrite them much improved and send them back in a timely manner for additional suggestions.

I don’t know that I have seen any other new writer as deeply committed to getting her book published.


Eleanor Herman
N.Y. Times Bestselling author and historian

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